2009년 5월 14일 목요일

WINCE 6.0 QFE 4월 업데이트

4월 QFE가 올라 왔네욤 +_+


이번에 업데이트된 내용을 보니~


MPEG Audio랑 그리고 DirectX에서 YV12지원(몇개의 WMV는 안 될수도 있다는 군요..)


그리고 InternetExplorer issue가 제기 되었던 것도 마지막으로 USB interface ^^;;


영어가 많이 약해서 ㅋㅋㅋ 완변하게 읽었는지...모르겠네요 ㅠ_ㅠ




1. If you have trouble installing package on Windows Vista, open command prompt, choose "Run as administrator", confirm UAC prompt, launch an update.

2. Making changes to the update files or rebuilding the public tree changes file CRC values.

   These files might be reported as "corrupted" by CEUpdateCheck tool as CRC values will not match the updates' database entries.


If you have installed previous updates

If you have installed previous updates, this package will update your build environment to include the latest files for this component.


If you see "Files that will not be installed"

If this message is displayed, it means that you have an update installed with a later version of the files then those that are being installed.  You already have the updates mentioned in this document including some updates released later.  This message is displayed to prevent accidental overwrite of the latest update to that particular component.



If source files have been modified by a user, they may not be overwritten by the files provided with the updates if Date Modified of the files on user's machine is newer.


If you reinstall or repair Platform Builder

If you uninstall or repair Platform Builder 6.0, you have to remove corresponding WinCEPBxx.ini file located in %WINDIR%.



Fixes made in this update:


By Component:


Component:  Codecs

The registry key to handle dual channel MPEG audio playback:


Where the value is:


0 - enable dual channel playback
1 - left channel only
2 - right channel only

The default value is 1.

Component:  DirectX

  • 090415_KB968612 - When a device renderer supports only YV12 format, some WMV files cannot be played.

Component:  IE

  • 090430_KB969515 - This update addresses a number of Internet Explorer issues.

Component:  USB

The file(s) with the new source code changes for this component can be found in the directory %_WINCEROOT%\:




업데이트 내용이랍니다 +_+



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